The Public Engagement in Governance Looking, Listening, and Learning Laboratory
Answering deeply divisive issues using inclusive and participatory approaches.
The PEGLLLLab seeks to engineer change by expanding policymaking conversations to include not only those who create and administer policies, but those who live them. We partner with municipalities and organizations to broaden the definition of public safety and keep ourselves and our communities safe, whole and thriving.
What We Do
At the PEGLLLLab, we create situations and environments that facilitate looking, listening, and learning using our signature approach that harnesses the power of academic research, community engagement, and public service.

All of our projects begin with a thorough review of relevant academic literature. We combine this with a focused exploration of local stakeholders, demographics, and other data that sheds insight into the unique dynamics of the communities we work in. We understand that a one-size-fits all approach towards creating social change overlooks the nuanced.
